CFP: Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

Sounds like a delight, in one of the best European cities! Alas, I won’t be able to go, maybe next year…:

VIII Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

The Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (SLMFCE) and the Facultat de Filosofia of the Universitat de Barcelona organize the VIII Congress of the society to be held in Barcelona from 7th to 10th July 2015. The congress will host the second edition of the Lullius Lectures, which will be in charge of Prof. Hartry Field (New York U.). The steering committee of the society will organize a symposium on H. Field’s work.

General information:

Date: 7-10 July 2015
Venue: Facultat de Filosofia (Universitat de Barcelona), 4th floor
C. / Montalegre 6
08001 Barcelona

Organizing Committee:

Concepción Martínez Vidal (President SLMFCE, USC), Antonio Blanco (U. Complutense), María Caamano (U. de Valladolid), Maria Cerezo (U. de Murcia), Valeriano Iranzo (U. València), Inmaculada Perdomo (U.Laguna), Francisco Salguero (U. Sevilla).

Local Organizing Committee (UB):

José Martínez, Manuel García-Carpintero, José Díez and Sergi Oms.

Contributed papers and symposia:

We invite submissions for both contributed papers and proposals for symposia (in English, Spanish or Catalan) to the following sections:

A Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic
B Philosophy of Language
C Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology
D Philosophy and Methodology of Science
E History of Science
F Science, Technology and Society

Deadline for the submission of abstracts for contributed papers and symposia: February 28th, 2015.

Submissions of contributed papers should have no more than 1500 words and should be prepared for blind refereeing.

Submissions for symposia should include a brief abstract for each participant’s talk (without author names, max. 1000 words) and justification of its interest (max. 500 words).

If the submission is intended to be for the symposium on Hartry Field, this should be indicated at the moment of submitting the paper.

The allocated time for delivering contributed papers at the conference will be 30 minutes, discussion included. The allocated time for symposia at the conference will be 2 hours with at most 5 participants.

Abstracts for contributed papers and symposia are to be submitted electronically at

Authors will be informed about the acceptance of submissions before the end of April 2015.

Deadline for the submission of the final version of accepted abstracts (in order to be published in the electronic proceedings): 31 May 2015. The final version should be sent in Word or LaTeX format, along with a PDF file.

In order to promote the work of young researchers, the SLFMCE will provide financial support for the three best contributions submitted by young researchers. Candidates must fulfill the conditions listed below:

(a) to be a master student or a PhD student, or to have (doctoral dissertation read after the February 28th, 2011).

(b) to be a member of the SLMFCE when the contribution is submitted.

(c) to get the highest rank for the submitted contribution at the blind process of refereeing.

Funds are intended to cover the registration fee, travel and accommodation expenses (maximum 700€ for each winner of the prize). The SLMFCE will provide a certificate to the winners of the grant.

The young researchers who want to apply to the grant must send an e-mail, once the submission has been uploaded, to with their personal data and the necessary documents certifying that they fulfill the conditions above.

Information regarding registration, program, etc. will be regularly updated on the website of the conference:

For more information:

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Filed under Calls for Abstracts/Papers/Contributions, Conference announcements/CFPs, wuthrich

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