New colloquium series in the NY/NJ area

Our Southern California group in the philosophy of physics now has an East-coast counterpart in the New York/New Jersey area. The new group has a website, including a calender of upcoming events. Check it out! The NY/NJ colloquium series in the Philosophy of Physics/Science is to be jointly funded by NYU, Rutgers, and Columbia, and will operate on a model much like that of the Southern California group (Porter Williams was an undergraduate at UC Irvine).

Here is a statement of the group’s purpose from its website:

The main purpose of the Philosophy of Science Group is to put on a colloquium series in the philosophy of science each semester, with the aim of bringing together scientists and philosophers to engage with foundational issues. We intend to meet 3-5 times per semester, with talks being given by visiting faculty, resident faculty, or graduate students in philosophy or the sciences. Talks will be held at Columbia, NYU, or Rutgers. For a partial schedule of talks to be held during Spring 2013, please see the calendar.

Anyone who is interested in participating in the Philosophy of Science Group or would like to be added to the mailing list is encouraged to contact us.

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